In 1978, Fairlight created a dual-CPU computer/synthesiser hybrid which was simply called Qasar M8.
In 1979 Qasar became the Fairlight CMI (Computer Music Instrument) and a legend was created.
It was the first synth to use sampling, graphic representations of waveforms, additive synthesis, and a revolutionary sequencer (Page R).
Wave takes the Fairlight CMI concept of additive synthesis, adds extensive voice control (as in the Sequential Prophet VS), full wavetable control (as in PPG 370), and some unique voice loading / editing functions to create a full system (plus new multi-effects).
The last thing to mention would be Fairlight's Page R sequencer. Wave takes the same general concept and extends it. Adding individual track control over pan, volume and pitch plus substantial editing facilities to give wide-ranging control over song structure.
Oh, and just one last thing:
There's 3D waveform viewing and analysis just for good measure and even full 2d editing of both mono and stereo waveforms.